Factors Influencing the Fear of Needles among Students of Medicine and Pharmacy - - - Faktori koji utiču na strah od igle kod studenata medicine i farmacije

Journal Title: Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis - Year 2017, Vol 34, Issue 2


Fear of needles can significantly limit professional and social functioning of a person, and is highly prevalent in general population (4%). The aim of our study was to reveal risk factors that are associated with fear of needles among healthy university students of medicine and pharmacy. The study was of a cross-sectional type. In total, 301 students of medicine or pharmacy (82% female and 18% male) attending from 1st to 5th year of study were surveyed at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Serbia. The students were surveyed using a questionnaires (scales) for assessing the fear of needless, a visual analog scale for self-assessment intensity of the fear of needless, and a general questionnaire with questions about socio-demographic characteristics of the participants. Using a score on the scales as out-come variables, multiple regressions were employed to reveal factors that may influence the fear of needles. Average values of Blood/Injection Fear Scale, Injection Phobia Scale-Anxiety and Medical Avoidance Survey scores were 7.89 ± 9.48, 4.46 ± 5.18 and 89.95 ± 12.73, respectively. The following factors affected signifi-cantly the score of the scales: course of study, chronic disease in the family, fear of a dentist, smell of the room phobia, sound phobia, score on the Beck`s anxiety scale and fear of a situation when medical staff give an injection. The presence of chronic disease in the family was a protective factor, while the other six factors were contributing to the fear of needles. Fear of needles is more prevalent among the students of pharmacy than among the students of medicine. It is less frequent among students with chronic disease in their family, while fear of dentist, smell of the room phobia, sound phobia, general anxiety and fear from the situation when medical staff give an injection are all factors that predispose students of medicine or pharmacy to develop fear of needles. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je da se otkriju faktori rizika koji su povezani sa strahom od igle među stude-ntima medicine i farmacije. Ukupno je bio anketiran 301 student medicine ili farmacije (82% žena i 18% muškaraca) koji pohađaju Fakultet medicinskih nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu od prve do pete godine studija. Studenti su anketirani putem upitnika za procenu straha od igle, putem vizuelno-analogne skale za samoprocenu intenziteta straha od igle i opštim upitnikom sa pitanjima o socio-demografskim karakteristikama učesnika. Prosečne vrednosti skale straha od krvi i injekcije, i skale fobije i anksiozniosti od injekcije i skorova izbegavanja medicinskih ispitivanja su 7,89 ± 9,48; 4,46 ± 5,18 i 89,95 ± 12,73 respektivno. Sledeći faktori značajno utiču na rezultate skala: smer studija, hronična bolest u porodici, strah od zubara, fobija od mirisa u prostoriji, fobija od zvuka, rezultat na Bekovoj skali anksioznosti i strah od situacije kada medicinsko osoblje daje injekciju. Strah od igle je češća među studentima farmacije nego među studentima medicine. Faktori koji predisponiraju da studenti medicine ili farmacije razviju strah od igle su strah od zubara, fobija od mirisa u prostoriji, fobija od zvuka, opšta anksioznost i strah od situacije kada medicinsko osoblje daje injekciju.

Authors and Affiliations

Boban Milovanović, Dušan Tomović, Slobodan Janković, Iva Grubor, Ljliljana Nikolić, Miloš Nikolić, Marina Mijajlović, Strahinja Mrvić, Ana Divjak, Andjela Milojević, Jelena Djoković, Andjelka Prokić, Andriana Bukonjić, Marija Sekulić, Vesna Matić, Djordje Vukmirović, Bojan Rakonjac, Tanja Dimitrijević, Nataša Nikolić, Dragutin Jovanović, Nevena Barudžić, Nenad Mladenović, Milan Milutinović, Milena Nikolić


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  • EP ID EP347825
  • DOI 10.1515/afmnai-2017-0016
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Boban Milovanović, Dušan Tomović, Slobodan Janković, Iva Grubor, Ljliljana Nikolić, Miloš Nikolić, Marina Mijajlović, Strahinja Mrvić, Ana Divjak, Andjela Milojević, Jelena Djoković, Andjelka Prokić, Andriana Bukonjić, Marija Sekulić, Vesna Matić, Djordje Vukmirović, Bojan Rakonjac, Tanja Dimitrijević, Nataša Nikolić, Dragutin Jovanović, Nevena Barudžić, Nenad Mladenović, Milan Milutinović, Milena Nikolić (2017). Factors Influencing the Fear of Needles among Students of Medicine and Pharmacy - - - Faktori koji utiču na strah od igle kod studenata medicine i farmacije. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis, 34(2), 147-158. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-347825