Factors that have an influence on bone conduction thresholds changes after otosurgery in the patients operated on due to the perforation of the tympanic membrane with the preserved ossicular chain
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2017, Vol 71, Issue 4
<br/><b>Introduction</b>: The aim of the middle ear surgery is to eliminate abnormalities from the mucous, ensure the due airing of the postoperative cavity and reconstruct the sound-conducting system in the middle ear. Numerous reports can be found in literature on the changes to bone conduction as a consequence of middle ear surgery. <br/><b>Study objective</b>: The aim of the work is to define the factors that affect bone conduction in the patients operated on due to the perforation of the tympanic membrane with the preserved and normal mobile ossicular chain. <br/><b>Material and method</b>: A prospective analysis of patients operated on due to diseases of the middle ear in 2009–2012 was carried out. The cases of patients operated on for the first time due to chronic otitis media were taken into consideration. The analysis encompassed the patients who had undergone myringoplasty. The patients were divided into several groups taking into account the abnormalities of the mucous observed during otosurgery. <br/><b>Results</b>: A significant improvement of bone conduction was observed in the patients with dry perforation, without other lesions in the middle ear. The appropriate pharmacological treatment before otosurgery in patients with permanent discharge from the ear resulted in significant bone conduction improvement. The elimination of granulation lesions turned out to be a positive factor for the future improvement of the function of the inner ear. <br/><b>Conclusions</b>: The lack of abnormalities on the mucous of the middle ear (e.g. granulation,) and discharge has a positive impact on improvement of bone conduction after myringoplasty. Adhesions in the tympanic cavity, especially in the niche of the round window, have a negative impact on improvement of bone conduction in patients after myringoplasty.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Wiatr, Agnieszka Wiatr, Sebastian Kocoń, Jacek Składzień
Sprawozdanie z zebrania Sekcji Otorynolaryngologii Chirurgii Głowy i Szyi UEMS (Europejskiej Unii Lekarzy Specjalistów)
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