Wpływ działania doustnych środków antykoncepcyjnych na wybrane parametry układu hemostazy u młodych kobiet z nagłym zaburzeniem czynności układu równowagi
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 1
Introduction: The aim of the study was to evaluate the correlation between hormonal contraceptives and sex hormones levels as a possible cause of vertigo related to coagulation disorders and fibrinolyse. Material and methods: The study was conducted on 25 female patients aged 23–39, who were treated at the Department of Otolaryngology and Laryngological Oncology, Medical University of Lodz, due to vertigo. The studied patients were divided into 3 groups: I – 7 women that used hormonal contraceptives; II – 9 women that no used hormonal contraceptives for the last 6 months; III – 9 women who never used contraceptives. The methodology included: an otoneurological and audiological examination, blood tests, levels of fibrinogen, D-dimers, APTT, PT, ALAT, ASPAT and BMI, estradiol and progesterone levels. Results: In 16 out of the 25 patients the obtained results diverged from normal sex hormones concentration in serum. In each studied group the relation between sex hormones concentration in serum and coagulation and fibrinolyse parameters was proved. The correlation between an increased concentration progesterone and D-dimers was found. Conclusions: An increased concentration of estrogens in serum may have an additional negative effect on a possibility of a thromboembolic episode. In the female patients interested in oral contraception, the prophylactic exclusion of risk factors for a thromboembolic disease seems to be vital.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Urbaniak, Hanna Zielińska-Bliźniewska, Piotr Pietkiewicz, Jurek Olszewski
Sprawozdanie z 9.Zjazdu Północnoniemieckiego Towarzystwa Otolaryngologów, Chirurgów Głowy i Szyi, 2. Niemiecko-Polskiego Sympozjum Otolaryngologicznego
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