Falls, vitamin D and fractures

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2012, Vol 25, Issue 3


In 2007 WHO recognized falls to be one of the most important health and social issues of the aging populations. Falls are one of the main causes of disability and the fifth most frequent causes of death above the age of 75. 28%-35% people aged over 65 sustain a fall and over 80 – every second person. In the elderly aged over 65 of falls cause 90% of proximal femur fractures and 100% of forearm fractures. This leads to a considerable decrease of functionality and the quality of life. Post-fall syndrome is one of the most frequent social results of falls resulting in patient’s subjective estimate of decreased mobility, and in consequence in isolation, anxiety and apathy towards physical and social mobility.<br>Reports regarding a protective influence of vitamin D on falls and fractures are diverse. Bischoff-Ferrari, Dawson-Hughes in 2009 showed a beneficial role of 700-1000 IU/day supplementation on fall risk above the age of 65. A permanent increased supplementation resulted in 19% reduction of falls risk (RR = 0.81). Additionally, meta-analysis from 2005 (19,114 women aged over 60) showed a positive effect of 700-800 IU/day vitamin D intake on the number of proximal femur fractures – 26% RR reduction as well as 23% non-vertebral fractures reduction. Nevertheless, both Meyer and Lips did not show a decrease in the frequency of non-vertebral or hip fractures. The analysis of reports implies that, in case of severe vitamin D deficiency, calcium and vitamin D supplementation reduces fall risk and the frequency of fractures, whereas in case of normal vitamin D levels in serum these effects are insignificant.

Authors and Affiliations

Edward Czerwiński, Anna Kumorek


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Edward Czerwiński, Anna Kumorek (2012). Falls, vitamin D and fractures. Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 25(3), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-54409