Features of English for academic purposes as discipline in professional training of modern specialists


Significant expansion of international cooperation, connected with globalization, integration and internationalization of economy, business and education, necessitates new requirements for the training of a modern specialist who must possess not only professional competencies but also proficiency in a foreign language, particularly, English as a language of international business and science. In this regard, the search for ways to optimize the teaching of foreign languages in higher education institutions becomes a priority. The purpose of our article is to identify the features of English for academic purposes as an important discipline in the professional training of a modern specialist. English for academic purposes is becoming more and more widespread in the academic environment, since it aims to develop the skills and abilities required for students in the study of professional disciplines. English for academic purposes emerged as a subdiscipline of English for specific purposes, therefore, they have certain common features, including the focus on students’ needs and the close connection with the profession. Methods, technologies and approaches to EAP learning are constantly developing and improving, its practical orientation and focus on the development of competences are deepening. The teaching methodology of EAP is highly flexible. Various methods and approaches are used, in particular, skills-based approach, strategy-based approach, genre-based approach, content-based approach. Courses of English for academic purposes may vary according to the degree of their integration into the process of content learning. The analysis of the study of English for academic purposes in Ukraine shows that in Ukrainian universities it is not sufficiently widespread and integrated into the process of studying specialized disciplines. Curriculums of most universities include English for specific purposes, which is mainly taught in the first and second years of bachelor’s programs.

Authors and Affiliations

І. М. Литовченко


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І. М. Литовченко (2018). Features of English for academic purposes as discipline in professional training of modern specialists. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах, 61(2), 113-116. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-568483