Features of Implementation and Development of the Institute of Transsphipment in Ukraine
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3
In this article the author considers a rather new issue for Ukrainian legislation and the Ukrainian economy-this is a transshipment. Since Ukraine has its ports and access to the sea, this topic is very relevant. The concept of transshipment is considered in this article. In the article the features of application transshipment in Ukrainian ports are considered equal transshipment and marked types of ports depending on the transshipment. Worldwide, one of the major trends that are now gaining strength in the transport market is still serving the global development of container transport. In modern conditions Ukrainian terminals task - to attract new cargo flows, especially transit, be able to accept and process large container. The author also highlights the current state of transshipment in Ukraine. And also the author of the analysis formulates perspective conclusions about this concept in Ukraine. The possibility of container terminals in Ukrainian ports is to use transshipment. Transshipment - mode of transit cargo containers arriving by sea and shipped by sea, storage is not beyond the customs control zone which is the area of sea trade port. Customs clearance is no provision of customs declaration and without application of guaranteed delivery.
Authors and Affiliations
Анастасия Сурилова, Anastasia Surilova, Анастасія Сурілова
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