To the issue of involvement of subjects of private security activities in the protection of odessa sea port

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 3


The article is devoted to the investigation of the possibilities of involving of subjects of private security activities to the implementation of the safety of sea ports provided by the current legislation of Ukraine. The situation is analyzed, that has arisen around the announcement of a tender in Odessa region at the end of the current year for the protection of the ports of Odessa, Chernomorsk and Izmail and the subsequent cancellation. It is noted that the norm is provided on the possibility of involvement outside security services to maintain the regime of stay in a sea port in the Law of Ukraine of 17.05.2012 “On Ukrainian Sea Ports”, but its application is impossible without taking into account other norms of this Law, as well as other current legislation, in particular in the field of the protection of the state border of Ukraine. Directly guarding the state border at sea, rivers, lakes and other reservoirs; a control over sailing and stay of Ukrainian and foreign non-military ships and warships in the territorial sea and inland waters of Ukraine, the arrival of foreign non-military ships and warships in the inland waters and the ports of Ukraine and the presence of them are carried out by the Naval Guard of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The subjective structure of the units of the Ukrainian sea ports is defined by the Law of Ukraine “On Ukrainian Sea Ports” and includes the services of maritime security, the seagoing security guard units, and enshrines the commonality of their activities with the state border guard body. The author notes that the general control over the established mode of stay and movement within a sea port is solely by the maritime security service, seamen’s security guard units together with the state border guard body, observing the requirements of international treaties of Ukraine. Taking into account the provisions of the part 3 of the Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ukrainian Sea Ports”, private security structures may be involved in port security as auxiliary, but not as an alternative to maritime security services and seaport security guard units.

Authors and Affiliations

Сергей Кивалов, Sergiy Kivalov, Сергій Ківалов


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  • EP ID EP343045
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.3.2018.1
  • Views 74
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How To Cite

Сергей Кивалов, Sergiy Kivalov, Сергій Ківалов (2018). To the issue of involvement of subjects of private security activities in the protection of odessa sea port. Lex portus, 11(3), 5-18.