To a question of a definition of objects of printing detection
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 6
The criminalistic science in its specific subject has a number of provisions, the development of which assumes adaptation of modern achievements of other branch sciences, in particular – natural. The priority of search of faultless sources of information, its check and use in the solution of procedural tasks for establishment of justice, forces to experiment with methods which according to the characteristics are not correct concerning the predominating scientific paradigm and methodology. The deficiency of reliable and existence of the contradictory information caused by mainly closed position of participants of process forces to apply technologies which are a subject of heated professional debates. Definition of the nature of subjects to printing detection belongs to this category of questions. The theme is a subject to urgent studying and permission in the essence because, firstly, the technical devices and rules of their application entering into a subject of discussion are legislatively not regulated; secondly, the nature of an object and a subject who are giving in to influence of technologies doesn’t correspond to the nature of the research tools entering priorities of materialistic methodology; thirdly, interpretation of information product of the use of the specified technologies, is carried out by a person who doesn’t have all completeness of knowledge, therefore also conclusions are doubtful. Therefore, this research is directed to the understanding of the nature of components of process of detection, that is such mode when manipulations are accompanied by the strong-willed act, and production is potentially predicted.
Authors and Affiliations
Елена Калаянова, Olena Kalayanova, Олена Калаянова
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