River Ports of Ukraine: Prospects of Updating Legal Support of Activity
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3
Modern globalization of world economy, increase in commodity turnover between remote countries and international division of labor put a transport component of any trade activity in the forefront. Within the world transport system, the competition between separate means of transport increased, the contribution of the marine, air and motor transport to universal goods turnover increased at simultaneous decrease in specific weight of the railroads and internal waterways. The article is devoted to the research of the current state and prospects of legal regulation of work and organizational – legally form of the river ports of Ukraine. It is noted that the current state of development of river navigation in the country demonstrates its decline. The existing bills in the sphere of the inland water transport are considered, the attention to their norms on legal form of river ports is paid. It is noted that recently active attempts of definition and legislative fixing of the legal base of functioning of the inland water transport are made. They not always are consecutive and complex, cause much controversy, but demonstrate resolute will to the solution of morbid questions of the branch revival and, we will hope, finally will make so the solving influence on creation of the modern European market of river transportations that are necessary today.
Authors and Affiliations
Олег Стец, Oleg Stets
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