Normative-legal regulation of the interaction of territorial subdivisions of the National police and local authorities in the field of ensuring public safety and order

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 3


The urgency of the issue is determined by two parallel reforms taking place in our country: the reform of the law-enforcement system and the reform of the system of local self-government, aimed at the substantial extension of the rights of territorial communities. The article deals with the legal regulation of the interaction of territorial subdivisions of the National police with local self-government bodies in the field of ensuring public security and order. A particular attention is paid to co-operation with crime prevention and joint prevention plans, since security is one of the basic human needs, and police and community cooperation is the best way to provide it. Analyzing the legislation of Ukraine, which partially defines the interaction of the territorial bodies of the National police and local self-government in the field of public security and order, the author notes that they are talking about different forms of interaction, however, there is no procedure that would include a mechanism for implementation of such interaction. The proper organization of interaction between law enforcement bodies and local self-government bodies is possible due to the legislative consolidation of the Procedure of interaction between the National police and local self-government bodies in the field of public security and order security. It will allow the concerted actions of different actors to be achieved, unite and maximize their efforts and opportunities in the protection of public safety and order, avoid duplication of functions, and involve more people in preventive work. According to the results of the study, a drafting and an approval of the Regulations on the interaction of territorial subdivisions of the National police with local self-government bodies in the field of public security and order provision are proposed.

Authors and Affiliations

Вячеслав Барба, Viacheslav Barba


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  • EP ID EP343608
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.3.2018.5
  • Views 81
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How To Cite

Вячеслав Барба, Viacheslav Barba (2018). Normative-legal regulation of the interaction of territorial subdivisions of the National police and local authorities in the field of ensuring public safety and order. Lex portus, 11(3), 69-83.