Features of Multicultural Education of Preschool Children


The features of multicultural education of preschool children have been studied in the article. The article deals with different approaches to the interpretation of this concept. The article considers the following in the multicultural education of preschool children: the task (formation of preschool ideas about the diversity of cultures in the world and in our country, education of a positive attitude to cultural differences, education on representatives of all nationalities on democratic principles of mutual understanding, trust, and tolerance, a willingness for positive dialogue, the formation and development of skills of interaction with speakers of other cultures, education of respect for his/her culture and to stimulate interest in others, developing abilities and intercultural skills); the criteria (possession of a national culture, intercultural, emotional); and the principles (principle of dialogue and interaction between cultures, the principle of the creative feasibility of the use, storage, and creation of new cultural values). The basic methods and technologies of a multicultural preschool education are characterized. They include conversation, discussion, dialogue, modeling, design, reflective techniques, role-playing games. The author also gives a definition of “interactive technology,” its educational value, and classification. The classification of interactive technologies is based on the orientation of the target games (didactic, educational, developing, social). Examples of interactive technology have been presented that can be used in the classroom and in everyday life (“History of the bag,” “Travel,” “Introduction,” role playing, etc.).

Authors and Affiliations

Наталія Петрівна Гончар


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How To Cite

Наталія Петрівна Гончар (2016). Features of Multicultural Education of Preschool Children. Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 11(), 129-136. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-217513