Features of social innovations classification in public systems for providing preconditions of their sustainable development
Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 1
Introduction. The features of social innovations classification are investigated. It allows them to be identified among the whole set of innovations in the social sphere of public systems. The approach is based on the differentiation between the main features that are characteristic for the given type of innovation. Purpose. The article aims to define the peculiarities of social innovations classification from a viewpoint of sustainable development for social and economic systems of different levels. Results. The main features of social innovations classification in terms of sustainable development have been described. The differentiation of social innovations into "deterministic" and "veritable" considering the basic peculiarities of social and economic systems development has been suggested. It has been specified that deterministic social innovations relating to innovation-oriented social and economic systems arise as the positive externals in the result of introducing technical, technological, economic, environmental and other innovations, thus, “veritable” social innovations are generated exceptionally for public development. The generation of such types of social innovation is characterized by the prospect of economic potential of the social and economic system.
Authors and Affiliations
Yuliia Bui
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