Features theory of argumentation

Journal Title: Nowoczesne systemy zarządzania - Year 2012, Vol 7, Issue 1


This text is a critical review of basic concepts related to the theory of argumentation, and shows, by using some examples, the place of diagrams of arguments in the modern theory of argumentation. At the same time they are accommodated in the presentation of the basic tools of argument, such as argumentation diagrams, which are an integral part of research into the argument. Moreover, also brings out software analysis tool supporting argument, called Araucaria. In this critical review I refer to a brief review of the literature, including the works by Hamblin (1970), Johnson and Blair (1987), Walton, Reed and Macagno, allowing you to show the theory of argumentation in a broader context and its evaluation is essential in the study of the modern theory of argumentation. Referring to the canon of literature on research on patterns of reasoning (Hastings, Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca, van Emeren and Grootendorst, Kienpointner and Walton) trying to get the essential characteristics of precarious (called defeasible) reasoning. The basis for the model year and characterization of patterns of argument will be a proposal made in research D. Waltona.

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How To Cite

Joanna SKULSKA (2012). Features theory of argumentation. Nowoczesne systemy zarządzania, 7(1), 249-265. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-63265