Fenomen przeszłości: między historią a pamięcią (o literaturze dokumentu osobistego)

Journal Title: Studia Interkulturowe Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej - Year 2015, Vol 8, Issue


Humanitarian science many times had to admit that the Past would prove a treacherous ground indeed to be taken for granted. It can easily slide either under the pressure of new facts or reshuffle of known facts or due to a political regime change. The first-person documentary literature plays an important role in revising the Past. Until recently it was considered to be outside the mainstream study, but nowadays it gets more and more attention. In the absence of unified concept as to what the first-person documentary literature is and if it actually can be considered as literature at all, many local theories burst out. The first-person documentary literature offers various points of view on the course of historical events. In the same time it can be used to verify them since there is an ethical or metaphysical reflection to it.

Authors and Affiliations

Elena Janczuk


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How To Cite

Elena Janczuk (2015). Fenomen przeszłości: między historią a pamięcią (o literaturze dokumentu osobistego). Studia Interkulturowe Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 8(), 43-55. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-188774