Ferdynand katolicki znów niedoceniony!
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2017, Vol 15, Issue
Recenzja książki: Ferdynand katolicki znów niedoceniony! Henry Kamen, Fernando el Católico (1451-1516). Vida y mitos de uno de los fundadores de la España Moderna, z ang. tłum. José C. Vales, Esfera de los Libros, Madrid 2015, ss. 381 + kolorowe ilustracje
Authors and Affiliations
Filip Kubiaczyk
The impact of Roman army on trade and production in Lower Moesia (Moesia Inferior)
The paper presents the Roman army as the factor of change and economic transformation in the province of Lower Moesia. It addresses such issues as construction activities of the Roman army, development of the logistical...
La scrittura della decolonizzazione: José María Arguedas
This paper is aimed at analysing the mechanism of choosing the literary language in some writings of José María Arguedas. The author made this choice according to several perspectives: cultural, political and emotional.
Starożytne centra i peryferia europejskie w perspektywie współczesnych teorii społecznych
The paper attempts to apply contemporary social theory to research on ancient societies. The author intends to demonstrate the European economic system as it emerged towards the end of the Roman empire and in the early m...
Wybór Ambrożego Aureliusza na biskupa Mediolanu: cud, czy celowe działanie Walentyniana I?
Aurelius Ambrosius is a characteristic example of an official of the imperial administration who made a clerical career in the early days of Christianization of the Empire. His life was full of unexpected events. Born in...
Uwagi na temat wiersza „Don Juan i Doña Anna” Marii Pawlikowskiej-Jasnorzewskiej
On the one hand, this paper sets out to analyze Marii Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska’s poem “Don Juan and Doña Anna” in the context of social and cultural trends of the interwar period. On the other hand, it also attempts an i...