The aim of this study is to characterize motor docility, the ways of diagnosing pupils' and youth's motor docility, to analyze its results, to point to the trends in the development of its diagnosing, and to set a list o...
[b]Introduction.[/b] Secondary school students are in the period of adolescence, which is a particular stage of human development. In its final part, this period is characterized by the formation of full motor abilities...
[b]Aim of the work[/b]. Estimate of morphologic and functional asymmetry appearance of upper limbs among women after mastectomy due to breast cancer.[b]Material and method[/b]. Research, conducted on 104 women associated...
Współcześnie stosowany trening w pływaniu jest niezwykle czasochłonny. Charakteryzują go duże obciążenia i nieciekawa struktura. Wymaga pokonywania codzienne kilkunastokilometrowego dystansu. Znaczące sukcesy osiągają w...
EP ID EP60540
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How To Cite
Zbigniew Czajkowski (2009). Fiechtowanije - moja żyzń, czyli rzecz o Julenie I. Urałowie. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 19(46),
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Diagnostics of motor docility
The aim of this study is to characterize motor docility, the ways of diagnosing pupils' and youth's motor docility, to analyze its results, to point to the trends in the development of its diagnosing, and to set a list o...
O książce – „Zarys teorii budowy ruchów Nikołaja Aleksanrowicza Bernsztejna”, napisanej przez Wacława Petryńskiego – słów kilka
Physical ability of secondary school students who take part in physical classes with the ball that arouse empathy
[b]Introduction.[/b] Secondary school students are in the period of adolescence, which is a particular stage of human development. In its final part, this period is characterized by the formation of full motor abilities...
Functional and morphologic asymmetry of upper limb among women after mastectomy
[b]Aim of the work[/b]. Estimate of morphologic and functional asymmetry appearance of upper limbs among women after mastectomy due to breast cancer.[b]Material and method[/b]. Research, conducted on 104 women associated...
Pojęcie czucia wody, jego znaczenie, uwarunkowania i kształtowanie w opinii trenerów różnych sportów pływackich
Współcześnie stosowany trening w pływaniu jest niezwykle czasochłonny. Charakteryzują go duże obciążenia i nieciekawa struktura. Wymaga pokonywania codzienne kilkunastokilometrowego dystansu. Znaczące sukcesy osiągają w...