Film Education Project with Youth
Journal Title: Education Quarterly Reviews - Year 2019, Vol 2, Issue 2
There is a broad consensus on the recognition of cinema as a means of acquiring media literacy. The problematization of cinema as an artistic expression and the promotion of interdisciplinarity between the areas of communication, cinema and education and artistic education in particular that have been established in the field of communication science teaching. In this context, the purpose of this article is to describe action-research projects that are repeated annually, when students are confronted with cinema, audiovisual language, analysis of still and moving images, the follow-up of documentary creation with students from different courses, and their involvement in the dynamization of an audiovisual space from the text of a Portuguese writer, Almada Negreiros "Manifesto Anti Dantas" or interviews in rural communities, using video cameras, within the International Project Rural 3.0 Service-Learning for Rural Development, which is an international transversal project, funded in July 2018 by E+ Knowledge Alliances, coordinated by the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, involving sixteen partners from eight European countries.
Authors and Affiliations
Anabela Moura, Carlos Almeida, Raquel Pacheco
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