Financial innovative instruments in the banking system


Author in the article carry out the tasks of reforming the national economy, which depends on the ability and readiness of the banking system to finance the real sector of economy. Most domestic banks need and have desire to invest in real economy, but unfortunately they have problems with of longterm resources. In this case the state program of the development the national economy need to implement in the near future, it is recommended to extend the mechanism of long-term financial support to stimulate the development of priority sectors. In our opinion, medium-term government policy is necessary to review and develop new business strategies, develop and use new financial instruments that will reduce costs and provide access to new sources of capital. Also it will help optimize the ratio of risk-return of innovation projects of all stages of the life cycle, which will increase their investment attractiveness. In the article the author considers financial innovations that solve one of the main tasks of the domestic banking system — attracting long-term financing of the real sector of the national economy and providing the dynamic of state economic development. In the medium-term, for domestic banks, the strategic trend of financial innovations based on information and communication technologies remains unchanged.

Authors and Affiliations

Мykhaylo Dyba, Іievhenii Osadchyi


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How To Cite

Мykhaylo Dyba, Іievhenii Osadchyi (2018). Financial innovative instruments in the banking system. Стратегія економічного розвитку України, 42(), 99-111.