Modern structure of the world market of biotechnology


The article focuses on bioeconomics, which, in the context of the development of the information economy, has become a new priority in its direction. The increase in the world population, pollution of the environment, military conflicts, and the world food problem are challenges for the further development of the world community, which can be solved with the help of bioeconomics. The future of the world economy, as well as such areas as health protection, medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, industrial biotechnology, nano biotechnology, bio informatics and others will largely be determined by the level of development of biotechnologies and the newest products created with their help. The authors consider the most typical approaches to the typology of biotechnological industries, which are used, both by national and international technology platforms and enterprises, and by scientists who study biotechnological segments; more attention is paid to the color classification of the profile areas of biotechnology. The article analyzes and systematizes various approaches to the classification of the world market of biotechnologies. The authors investigated the main profile directions of biotechnology development and showed which sectors of the economy are most interested in the development of bioeconomics. The article shows that the developed countries pay the greatest attention to the development of biotechnology. These countries account for the largest share of biotechnology — R&D in the business sector; Sweden and Canada have been the leader in the last few years. Countries are identified and analyzed, which account for the largest share of biotechnology R&D in the business sector and the largest share of expenditures on biotechnology R&D. The US remains the world’s largest supplier and consumer of biotechnology in all areas Further prospects for the development of bioeconomics based on biotechnology are shown. It is proved that biomimicry is the most powerful potential of the future bioeconomics. Proposed steps for the development of bioeconomics in Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

Vladyslav Tipanov, Svitlana Tkalenko


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How To Cite

Vladyslav Tipanov, Svitlana Tkalenko (2018). Modern structure of the world market of biotechnology. Стратегія економічного розвитку України, 42(), 178-187.