Finding the common ground: phraseological theory and terminology revisited

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 149


The present paper is a state of the art review of the contemporary theory of phraseology. The field of phraseology has now been known to deal with ‘the formulaic nature of language, the psycholinguistic reality of holistically stored multi-word expressions and the im- portance of phraseological units in second-language acquisition’, among others [Hoffmann et al. 2015: 1]. Two major challenges, however, stand in the way: the ever-expanding list of terms pertaining to phraseology and a plethora of approaches regarding its scope. In an attempt to resolve these issues, the present paper will first focus on two major approaches to the study of phraseology: the traditional approach and the frequency-based approach. Then, a survey into phraseological terminology will be conducted. Further, connections between phraseology and four influential disciplines, i.e. construction grammar, semantics, pragmatics and cultural linguistics will be explored. It will finally be con- cluded with a discussion of the points under analysis.

Authors and Affiliations

Y. Kovalyuk


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  • EP ID EP492970
  • DOI 10.31174/SEND-PH2018-149VI42-08
  • Views 156
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How To Cite

Y. Kovalyuk (2018). Finding the common ground: phraseological theory and terminology revisited. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(149), 34-40.