Fiscal and non-fiscal functions of excise duty

Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 4


The article looks at the fiscal and non-fiscal functions of excise duty in relation to the imposition of the tax on tobacco products, especially cigarettes. Along with considering the purely fiscal function of excise duty the authors discuss the social function (non-fiscal), which mainly relates to the protection of public health in the context of tobacco products. At the same time, besides the aspects covered in the relevant literature, the authors highlight another aspect, i.e. the security function. The article discusses the relationship and effects of the above functions in view of their critical importance in formulating an appropriate model for imposing excise duty on tobacco products, in particular cigarettes. Cigarettes are the most important group of tobacco products from the point of view of the budget revenues of certain EU countries, including Poland. A suitable model for such taxation of cigarettes should be characterized by three main functions of excise duty, i.e. fiscal (ensuring the appropriate level of budget revenues), non-fiscal (protection of public health) and security (reducing the grey economy). In order to ensure these functions are performed we may not, according to the authors, allow the asymmetrical application of excise duty.The article considers two different approaches to these functions of excise duty. On the one hand, the traditional approach is presented, i.e. that the primary function of imposing excise duty on tobacco products is to provide appropriate budget revenues, and that non-tax issues should remain outside the sphere of influence of excise tax. On the other hand, the authors suggest a new approach, which posits that excise duty is indeed an appropriate tool for regulating the social sphere, in this case the protection of public health.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Dynysiuk, Jan Głuchowski


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  • EP ID EP210525
  • DOI 10.7206/kp.2080-1084.128
  • Views 83
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How To Cite

Łukasz Dynysiuk, Jan Głuchowski (2016). Fiscal and non-fiscal functions of excise duty. Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem, 8(4), 22-39.