Fish abundance differences and relations to plankton primary production in two variants of pond stocking with common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis Rich.) larvae
Journal Title: Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal of the Bioflux Society - Year 2009, Vol 2, Issue 3
A fish pond experiment was conducted in two ponds which were stocked with 0 aged common carp and bighead carp larvae in numeric abundance ratio 3:1 (variant 1) while in other two ponds the ratio was 1:3 in favor of bighead carp (variant 2). To each of the two stocking variants we added one and the same number of 0 aged grass carps and 1+ or 2+ common carps. The experiment lasted 4 months (May to September) and was repeated in two consecutive years (2007, 2008). The second year variant 2 was conducted in three ponds. The fish ponds belonged to the experimental facilities of the Institute for Fishery and Aquaculture, Bulgaria. The plankton primary production and other related variables were measured approximately fortnightly and continuously throughout the experiment duration. At the end of experiment number and yield of fishes were measured and survival rates were calculated. Survival rate of bighead carp and yield of common carp and bighead carp of variant 1 were significantly higher than those of variant 2. The yield of bighead carp larvae did not, while that of common carp, grass carp and total fish yield correlated significantly and positively with plankton primary production. The yield of accidentally fallen into ponds of crucian carps (Carassius carassius Lin.) correlated strongly negatively with 1+/2+ common carps, which was indication for the strong food completion between them.
Authors and Affiliations
Doychin Terziyski, Roumen Kalchev, Penka Vasileva, Ivaylo Piskov, Ivan Iliev
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