Фіскальна політика держави на різних фазах економічного циклу: сутність, види та принципи формування [The Fiscal Policy of the State at Different Phases of the Economic Cycle: the Essence, Types and Principles of Formation]

Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 7


The purpose of the article is to present the essence and types of fiscal policy and to distinguish the basic principles of formation of the fiscal policy of the state at different phases of the economic cycle. It has been determined that the fiscal policy of the state should be understood as the policy in the field (sphere) of the state budget revenues, the policy for the establishment (determination) and receiving (accumulation) of its revenues (i.e. the state budget). It has been found out that depending on the phase of the economic cycle which the country’s economy is passing, taking into account the analysis of the factors (causes) of economic dynamics and instruments of influence, two types of fiscal policy of the state can be distinguished, namely: 1) stimulating; 2) restraining. It has been established that: 1) the main principles of the formation of stimulating fiscal policy include the following principles: the effectiveness of taxation; systemic and internal integrity of taxation; single tax; sufficiency; fiscal capacity; stress equilibrium; stability in taxation; 2) the basic principles of the formation of restraining fiscal policy are the following: the set of taxes; flexibility (elasticity) of taxation; the inevitability of the statutory liability; neutrality of taxation. The prospect of further research in this direction is the development of theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations for the improvement of Ukraine’s fiscal policy within the framework of anti-crisis measures.

Authors and Affiliations

O. I. Ogirko, Ivan Kurilin


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  • EP ID EP360281
  • DOI 10.22178/pos.36-4
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How To Cite

O. I. Ogirko, Ivan Kurilin (2018). Фіскальна політика держави на різних фазах економічного циклу: сутність, види та принципи формування [The Fiscal Policy of the State at Different Phases of the Economic Cycle: the Essence, Types and Principles of Formation]. Traektoriâ Nauki, 4(7), 1007-1012. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-360281