Forecasting mortality patterns of thalassaemia major patients in Iraq by using VAR model and reasons for this mortality
Journal Title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS - Year 2016, Vol 12, Issue 11
The vector autoregression model (VAR) is a natural extension of the univariate autoregressive model dynamic multivariable time series. It is one of the most successful, flexible, and easy to use models for the analysis of multivariable time series. The VAR model has proved to be particularly useful describing the dynamic behaviour of economic and financial time series and forecasting. Often it provides superior forecasts to those of time-series models and univariate and detailed forecasts, based on the theory of simultaneous equation models. Expectations of VAR models are very flexible because they can be conditioned on possible paths for the future in the form of specific variables. In addition to describing the data and forecasting, the VAR model is used to deduce structural and policy analysis. This study used the VAR model for forecasting the number of deaths in patients with thalassemia in Maysan province in southern Iraq, and also addressed the causes of these deaths. There was a strong relationship between mortality in thalassemia patients and an increase in the proportion of iron and the highest number of deaths was recorded for patients who had a very high proportion of iron. It was „the most important cause of mortality (Cardiac disease, infections, the liver, the spleen).
Authors and Affiliations
Rana Sabeeh Abood Alsudani, Jicheng Liu, Zahrah Ismael Salman
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