Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2013, Vol 61, Issue 8


This research investigates the forecasting producer’s Harvest prices of Wheat in Pakistan. Data were collected from 2004-2009 from various secondary sources. It was revealed that producers price expectation range from Rs.300 to Rs. 400 per season. Produces price distributions were skewed towards higher prices, and they consistently underestimated the profitability of large variation in the prices of wheat harvest. It was revealed that farmers forecast about wheat prices always negative correlated and prices are uncertain in Pakistan. It was further revealed that farmers perception regarding wheat prices always not successes because of the political and other factors.

Authors and Affiliations

Syed Asad Raza ABIDI, Aishah Bashir SHAH, Ali Hassan HALEPOTO, Faiz SHAIKH


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How To Cite

Syed Asad Raza ABIDI, Aishah Bashir SHAH, Ali Hassan HALEPOTO, Faiz SHAIKH (2013). FORECASTING TREND OF WHEAT PRICES IN PAKISTAN. Revista Romana de Statistica, 61(8), 71-75.