Foresight as research mainstream in management science – state of the art foresight projects in Poland and examples of their application

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 4


Popularity of foresight studies both in Poland and worldwide makes foresight a meaningful tool of future anticipation especially in the light of evidence-based policy. Although foresight may be perceived as a pragmatic activity, it has developed its own terminology and research methods. The aim of the article is to present rationales for foresight research location in management science. The article comprises four parts. The first one is devoted to the discussion of the essence of foresight definitions. The second part focuses on presenting the interrelation between foresight research and management science such as: a common research object, often the same research methods, the concentration of the common activity such as future anticipation, the existence of publications and PhD theses linking foresight and management science. The third part depicts state of the art foresight studies in Poland distinguishing national, regional, sectorial and thematic foresight projects. The final part of the article serves as an illustrative example of foresight research, in which the major assumptions and results of the foresight project entitled NT FOR Podlaskie. Regional strategy of nanotechnology developments conducted in Podlaskie voivodship have been described

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Kononiuk


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How To Cite

Anna Kononiuk (2012). Foresight as research mainstream in management science – state of the art foresight projects in Poland and examples of their application. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 11(4), 93-102.