Innovative aspects of marketing communications in an environment of civic organizations

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2011, Vol 10, Issue 3


In the article on the basis of literature overview and survey results the trends are shown in social communication system of civil society organizations. The social importance of civil society organizations indicates the need to communicate effectively with the whole of society in the implementation of public tasks. The strength of information transfer is enhanced by the implementation of IT solutions. Thus, the need for the integration of formal and informal communication forms is acknowledged. Civic organizations adapt communication and marketing channels verified by the busi-ness. An integrated marketing communication modified to the needs of these organizations is an innovation. The communication system of marketing requires the support of social com-munication, which is an instrument of social marketing. Its purpose is to educate consumers need to change the value system and to achieve this. This type of communication is therefore an important instrument of change management and labor. Also, it is used for information campaigns carried out by the civic organizations. Creating new channels of communication and their adaptation in practice is a manifestation of the social organization of innovation.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Iwankiewicz–Rak


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How To Cite

Barbara Iwankiewicz–Rak (2011). Innovative aspects of marketing communications in an environment of civic organizations. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 10(3), 69-79.