Formation strategic alliance TNC in modern conditions of the global market innovations
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2015, Vol 10, Issue
In the article the features of the formation of strategic alliances of transnational corporations in the current conditions of the global market innovation. Based on the global market innovation, TNCs carry out the integration of innovation within all structures of the corporation, with branches of multinationals specializing in innovation, where they are most competitive. The main objective of the strategic partnership - to achieve a synergistic effect, which manifests itself when combining competences and resources partnership project participants. Successful R & D alliances allow TNCs to achieve synergies by combining their human and innovation potential, reduce financial costs and risks of each participant. Today you can group the following factors that allow TNCs to implement investment strategies when entering into global markets innovations: global consumer behavior - search for better quality product at a lower price; technological change as an essential tool for entering new global markets; the emergence of a new type of so-called "financially secured competitors, is multinationals with state subsidy and the ability to use these financial resources as" strategic budget " in the competition; the existence of public policies to overcome national barriers which immerses hiper competitive global TNCs in the domestic market. Traditional patterns of TNCs (diversification and continuous strategic planning "revolutionary" improvements) is implemented in parallel with rational territorial distribution of R & D and transfer of large "institutional modules" in the countries with the best conditions for their implementation or with cheap and relatively skilled labor. The combination of a global approach gladly local interests (management technology) determines the model of choice TNC placements and alternative ways of technological development, methods of planning and financing international research and development, as well as approaches to human resource management in an international environment.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleg Mikhaylov
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