Forming the partnership in the physical education of the school pupils
Journal Title: Știința culturii fizice - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 30
Analyzing formation of educational partnership, we consider it appropriate to update and substantiate some aspects of this concept. It is necessary to mention that the educational partnership takes place in parallel with the educational process and that it is a condition, but also an important factor for efficient family realization; to transform the school into a friendly institution, not only for the child but also for the whole family. Taking into consideration the stages, objectives and the essential role of the educational partnership between the educational institution, the physical education teachers, the pupil and the family, today is one of the most effective family supporting factors in educating the pupil’s personality. The educational institution teaches students, gives them opportunities to acquire the necessary cognitive and social tools to succeed in life, along with family pedagogy throughout physical education teachers and parents ‘education. The involvement of the family in the life and activity of the school, especially during the physical education hours, is a real use to both social institutions, because mutual support, their collaboration is centered on the formation and development of the pupil’s personality.
Authors and Affiliations
Victoria Lesco
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