Formuła francuskiej dwuizbowości w świetle rozwiązań ustrojowych V Republiki
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2016, Vol 136, Issue 5
The article deals with the formula of bicameralism implemented on the basis of institutional scheme adopted in the Constitution of France of 4 October 1958. By providing an analysis of specific aspects of a broader law-making function and oversight function of parliament, the author accentuates the specifi city of the construction of the relative asymmetry applied therein, which involves the synthesis of symmetric solutions (e.g. relating to an amendment of the Constitution pursuant to Article 89) and those clearly asymmetric (e.g. based on government’s accountability to parliament). Special attention should be paid to Article 45 of the Constitution which regulates the relationship between both chambers under the regular legislative procedure. The construction resulting from its provisions is based on the assumption that the government may signifi cantly interfere in the legislative procedure, deciding in specifi c cases — through the so-called procedure of the last words of the National Assembly — on symmetry or asymmetry of Chambers, which is one of the signs of a particular kind of flexibility the French model of bicameralism. Moreover, the author indicates the impact of the socalled Europeanization of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic on the position of the French second Chamber, and also examines the increase or decrease of actual role.
Authors and Affiliations
Łukasz Jakubiak
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