
У статті розглядається специфіка формування у громадян України європейської ідентичності (як континентальної, так і цивілізаційної). Запропоновано інтегративне розуміння колективної ідентичності (в тому числі і європейської) на основі поєднання філософських, історичних, етнологічних, культурологічних, соціологічних, цивіліологічних, психологічних підходів та комплексного дослідження різних вимірів та детермінант ідентифікаційних процесів. Activation of globalization processes in the world leads to acceleration of internal transformations in the CIS states and actualizes the problem of formation of different forms of collective identity in the new socio-cultural coordinates. In this regard, the relevance of the interdisciplinary study of the shaping of the European identity (the main forms of which are continental and civilization identity) of citizens of Ukraine is not in doubt. It is known that the phenomenon of a collective identity has long attracted attention of many researchers and was actively discussed in the diverse social and humanitarian discourses. The foreign science studies this phenomenon mainly in the line with the socio-cultural anthropology, sociology and psychology from different theoretical and methodological positions (B. Anderson, M. Barrett, Z. Bauman, F. Barth, P. Berger, J. Coleman, G. Cohn, V. Connor, V. Doise, E. Durkheim, E. Erikson, Z. Freud, E. Gellner, J. Habermas, S. Huntington, R. Jenkins, K. Jung, B. Luckman, J. Marcia, J. G. Mead, M. Mead, A. Melucci, C. Moscovici, E. Smith, I. Straub, S. Stryker, H. Tajfel, J. Turner, C. Taylor et al.). In Russian and Ukrainian science, collective identity is studied within the framework of philosophy, political science, sociology, culture studies and psychology. Our long-term studies of different types of collective identity (of gender, professional, ethnic, national, regional ones, etc.) show that European identity can be studied as a continental one and as that of a civilization. In the first case, the respondents consider, first of all, that Ukraine geographically belongs to Europe, and in the second case, they begin to integrate a wider range of factors (geographical, macro-cultural, political, legal, religious, ideological, etc.). The purpose of this article is to study the dynamics of formation of the European identity in 1991 – 2015 in terms of ukrainology. An interdisciplinary approach has allowed tracing the dynamics of formation of the European identity of citizens of Ukraine: 1) 1991 – 1995. European identity was held low in the overall ranking of identities, but fro m 1996 – 1999 years, its importance has increased significantly (especially in the group of ethnic Ukrainians, Poles, Hungarians, Slovaks, Romanians, Crimean Tatars). 2) 1999 – 2008. The assertion of the European identity happened (when it became a significant trend of increasing rates of European identity within ethnic Ukrainians and groups of national minorities). 3) The highest level of European identity was reached in 2005 – 2015. 4) Until 2010 the ethnic Ukrainians in the South and East of Ukraine had a tendency to increase in European and national identity (in 2010 – 2013, this process stopped). 5) The fastest growing of European identity among the inhabitants of large cities could be seen. 6) The synchronization of ups and downs in the development of national and European identity of citizens of Ukraine in 1999 – 2010 and 2013 – 2015 was detected. 7) The European identity until 2015 has not lost its importance for the citizens of Ukraine, because a request for Europeanness is very strong in the Ukrainian society (although the presence of the media in the Ukrainian pro-European rhetoric combined with a complete lack of a balanced politics of identity in Ukraine).

Authors and Affiliations

Tetyana Voropayeva


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How To Cite

Tetyana Voropayeva (2016). ФОРМУВАННЯ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ ГРОМАДЯН УКРАЇНИ (1991–2015). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 6(11), 19-28. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432288