Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 12
У статті проаналізовані шлях становлення та основні риси фортепіанної творчості українського композитора Ігоря Шамо, історія створення «12 прелюдій» для фортепіано, композиторський задум та музична ідея. Відштовхуючись від живописних і поетичних образів, композитор пропонує їх музичне вирішення, тим самим впливає на розвиток образного мислення учнів і слухачів. The article analyzes the main aspects of musical impression of pianist and listener on the example of 12 Preludes for Piano of the Ukrainian composer Ihor Shamo. Igor N. Shamo – one of the prominent Ukrainian Soviet composers of the postwar period. From his childhood to the period of becoming a composer Igor was not greater than the IS Bach. Many writings stress I.N. Shamo‟s complex polyphonic way of thinking. Based on the experience and creativity of his great fellows (Mussorgsky, Rachmaninoff) the music of I. Shamo can be heard as the irrepressible flow of feelings, melodic ease and breadth, richly colourful harmony neuemnost, latent power and, sometimes, ascetic rigor. You can see that common ground can be fixed not only in individual ways of expression, but also in the creative plan, remember the “Pictures of Russian painters”, “Prelude”. The composer looked for new ways to enrich the sound palette of the instrument. The piano cycle of 12 preludes was established in the mature period of creativity of the composer. Lessons learned from this period allow the composer to depart from the usual cliches, thus, to expand his sphere of figurative works, not restricting it within the software that links him with the preludes of Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Shostakovich, Kabalevsky, Debussy. Shamo, the performer and the listener, opens unlimited flight of fancy, thus giving the opportunity to express their individuality, but at the same time he complicates the task. The “Prelude” of Shamo clearly manifested features of the composer's style: deep intonation connection with folk songs, which were often found in the writings of its program related to folk paintings of domestic scenes, folk music-making and native wildlife. Their imaginative variety is reflected primarily in the invoice presentation that establishes parallels with romantic preludes and preludes of Impressionists.These plays have harmony and brevity, and the development is subject, in the first place, the laws of the host within the same state. In this regard, the composer prefers to use material through a method of constant change in the harmonic “dress” theme. The image of the sphere Preludes cycle is very diverse and wide, from intimate lyrics (IVpr) - to the deep philosophical thought (IX, XII, etc.), from the contemplative state (II of, Vred) - up to the festive folk festival (XI etc.). And, despite the absence of the names of the preludes, the composer still gives us a clue, and this is particularly evident in the tempo indications, which are added to the figurative characteristics. For example: Andante severo (strictly, seriously) Moderato rustico (rustic), Andante, quasi campana (bell). It should be noted the extraordinary wealth textured loop, making the bright piano suite. The questions of continuity and innovation of I. Shamo‟s piano works were described in the article. We analyzed the associative relationship of visual and acoustic perception. The characteristic features of his melodies soaked with originality and beauty of folk music. At the same time the composer created his own new melodic turns in the style of folk music. Revealing new possibilities of the Piano: register ratio, pedal techniques. There is a possibility of using new means of expression tool to uncover imaginative music content. Music of Igor Shamo is aimed at a wide range of performers and listeners. Igor Shamo is one of the famous Ukrainian piano composers.
Authors and Affiliations
Tatiana Malaieva
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