Fractal Color Image Compression Using YPbPr and YUV Color Spaces By Zero-Mean Method
Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 1
In this work , two type of the color space ware used , it is ( YPbPr , YUV ), and Lena color image were used , to test the pest PSNR, CR, ET, by used the fractal image compression by Zero-Mean method. In (YPbPr )color space the calculated results were found to be (PSNR=30.99), (CR=10.52), (ET=63.68), while in (YUV) color space is (PSNR=32.75), (CR=10.52), (ET=70.13). So in (PSNR) the (YPbPr) model is decreases by (1.76%) than (YUV) model, in CR the (YPbPr) model it same in (YUV) model and in ET the (YPbPr) model is decreases by (6.45%) than (YUV) model.
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