Franciszek Charwat. Materiały z lat 1914–1918 w Austriackim Archiwum Państwowym w Wiedniu
Journal Title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica - Year 2015, Vol 22, Issue 22
Franciszek Charwat. Records from the years 1914–1918 at the Austrian State Archives in Vienna Franciszek Charwat (1881–1941) worked in the years 1918–1939 in the diplomatic service of Poland. He was the Chief Inspector of police in Lviv till 1918 and worked with the secret services of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The archival holdings of the Austrian State Archives in Vienna contains many records evidencing Charwat’s active participation in the activities of imperial-royal counter-intelligence authorities. The positive opinions of his superiors and praise of the Supreme Commander of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Archduke Frederick’s confirmed his successes. But the attempt to grant him the title of police adviser, that was supported by superior military authorities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and General Military Government in Lublin, encountered resistance from the side of reluctant Polish political circles in Galicia.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Gaul
Dzieje Mazowsza, t. 2: Lata 1527–1794, praca zbiorowa pod red. Jana Tyszkiewicza, Pułtusk 2015, ss. 792
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