Franciszkanizm i franciszkanie w życiu św. Jadwigi Śląskiej

Journal Title: Studia Salvatoriana Polonica - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue


Saint Hedwig of Silesia is associated mainly with the Cistercian spirituality. However the newly born Franciscan movement and Franciscans themselves also exerted a powerful influence on her activity and religious attitude. Hedwig belonged to the circle of saint women from the families ruling Central Europe in the 13th century, who were called filiae sanctae Elisabeth. Her niece, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, a Franciscan tertiary, became a guiding light for her in accomplishing acts of mercy and in her practice of humility, patience, asceticism and penance. Like Saint Francis Hedwig lived in extreme poverty, devoting funds to those in need. She was a woman of deep prayer, profoundly experiencing each mass, falling into mystical ecstasies. Her spirituality was Christocentric and Marian. Hedwig may certainly be given credit for bringing Franciscan Friars Minor to Wroclaw. From that moment on Franciscans lived in her surroundings, performing the pastoral service as chaplains and confessors. After Hedwig’s death they became propagators of her cult. The author of Vitae sanctae Hedwigis, the surviving medieval chronicles of the saint, came from the circles of Wroclaw Franciscans.

Authors and Affiliations

Patrycja Gąsiorowska


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How To Cite

Patrycja Gąsiorowska (2017). Franciszkanizm i franciszkanie w życiu św. Jadwigi Śląskiej. Studia Salvatoriana Polonica, 11(), 31-47.