Французька література в контексті турецької: історія та сьогодення


The modernization of Turkish literature was facilitated primarily by the ideology of the French Revolution, which drastically changed the vectors of the historical and cultural life of the Ottoman state. The perspective of visiting France by representatives of the Turkish literary elite for studying the language and familiarity with French culture (Ibrahim Shinazi, Namik Kemal), the appearance on the territory of the Ottoman state of educational institutions teaching French have thoroughly contributed to the rapid “entry” of the French cultural tradition into Turkish literature. Further, stages of the “entry” of French culture in Turkish are numerous translations into Turkish of works of French authors, reworking, rehearsing, adapting their works. The special role of the influence of work of Moliere, Voltaire, Dumas, Hugo on the formation of the Turkish literature of modern times is emphasized. Thus, Moliere’s work had a great influence on the formation in the second half of the nineteenth century of Turkish modern comedy. Philosophical comprehension of the world in Voltaire’s works attracts the attention of the Turkish reader through a certain novelty, extraordinary. Voltaire’s translation of philosophical reflections introduces the Turkish recipient to new topics of a philosophical and fantastic nature. The works of Dumas-father and Dumas-son in Turkish translations enjoyed considerable popularity among Turkish readers, becoming a solid foundation in the formation of the genre novel in the Turkish literature of the reform period. Victor Hugo’s poetic works lead to the emergence in the Turkish literature of the romantic poetry (Regizadeh Magmut, Namik Kemal). The Turkish intellectual elite continues to keep pace with the French literary novelties, today in Turkey almost all the works of contemporary French authors are presented in translations. And to this day the French literature having a direct influence on the formation of new Turkish literature, leads to the emergence of new literary genres (romance, drama), currents and directions (romanticism, symbolism, realism), the change of thematic and figurative versions of artistic works from classical Muslim to Western European.

Authors and Affiliations

І. В. Прушковська


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  • EP ID EP433765
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2018-0-15-62-67
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How To Cite

І. В. Прушковська (2018). Французька література в контексті турецької: історія та сьогодення. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(15), 62-67. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433765