Игорь Северянин и завершение традиции русского классического романа


The article investigates the genre’s peculiarity of the work of Igor Severyanin “The Leandr’s Royal (Lugnе). The novel in stanzas” (1925). “Roman” is written in terms of emigration. Russian poets very actively attracted the form of “novel in verse” for combining the epic and lyric principle in the text, especially at the beginning of the twentieth century, but it is known that no one repeated the success of Pushkin. The author of the article studies connection of “The Leandr’s Royal (Lugnе)” with Pushkin’s novel. “Eugene Onegin” is considered as a prototype of Severianin’s work. Relations with the common tradition of the Russian classical novel are established. The system of characters, the plot and other elements of the composition, the complex of the main motifs of the work are analyzed. Their artistic functions are very different from those of Pushkin, sometimes they are completely opposite. The poet plays with the stamps of the Russian novel. The processing of Pushkin’s form and the numerous allusions to the novels of Russian writers became the means of ironic interpretation of the tradition, Severianin emphasized the exhaustion of the genre of the Russian classical novel in the conditions of the beginning of the twentieth century.

Authors and Affiliations

Я. В. Галкина


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  • EP ID EP433862
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2018-0-15-126-131
  • Views 152
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How To Cite

Я. В. Галкина (2018). Игорь Северянин и завершение традиции русского классического романа. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(15), 126-131. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433862