The author looks at metaphors and comparisons used by researchers to describe a literature historian, utilizing a cognitivist approach – that in cognizance, metaphors serve a function analogous to our senses and like mas...
The article presents various movie conventions inspired by MMORPG and made by the players. In order to characterize and describe this kind of fun fiction, the author divided the movies into several general categories due...
Paszkowski’s writing desire derives from the following reasons: his willingness to satisfy the material needs (Paszkowski was a writer), fulfill a public mission via informing the society about momentous current events a...
Nasz pierwszy świat
W świecie masek. Tożsamość historyka literatury
The author looks at metaphors and comparisons used by researchers to describe a literature historian, utilizing a cognitivist approach – that in cognizance, metaphors serve a function analogous to our senses and like mas...
Filmowa twórczość fanowska graczy MMORPG
The article presents various movie conventions inspired by MMORPG and made by the players. In order to characterize and describe this kind of fun fiction, the author divided the movies into several general categories due...
„Żądza pisania” jako przejaw postawy twórczej Marcina Paszkowskiego
Paszkowski’s writing desire derives from the following reasons: his willingness to satisfy the material needs (Paszkowski was a writer), fulfill a public mission via informing the society about momentous current events a...
Sprawozdanie z ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej Teksty zalecające w książce dawnej i współczesnej (Instytut Nauk o Literaturze Polskiej, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice, 29–30 października 2014)