The aim of the review is to discuss the main threads in Marguerite van
den Berg’s monograph Gender in the Post-Fordist Urban. The Gender Revolution in
Planning and Public Policy (2017). The author of the monograph analys...
The author looks at metaphors and comparisons used by researchers to describe a literature historian, utilizing a cognitivist approach – that in cognizance, metaphors serve a function analogous to our senses and like mas...
In his review of Poetyka doświadczenia. Teoria – nowoczesność – literatura by Ryszard Nycz, the author discusses the contents of the author’s research propositions in relation to earlier postulates of this Polish languag...
The author considers theoretical entanglements of cartoon presentations of the Holocaust. In the beginning he reminds of exclusive researchers’ opinions claiming that the truth about this horrible event is either substan...
Genderfikacja. Czy miasta mają płeć?
The aim of the review is to discuss the main threads in Marguerite van den Berg’s monograph Gender in the Post-Fordist Urban. The Gender Revolution in Planning and Public Policy (2017). The author of the monograph analys...
W świecie masek. Tożsamość historyka literatury
The author looks at metaphors and comparisons used by researchers to describe a literature historian, utilizing a cognitivist approach – that in cognizance, metaphors serve a function analogous to our senses and like mas...
„Wspólne kopanie”. Z Krzysztofem Siwczykiem rozmawiają Anna Kałuża i Grzegorz Jankowicz
Teoria po teorii
In his review of Poetyka doświadczenia. Teoria – nowoczesność – literatura by Ryszard Nycz, the author discusses the contents of the author’s research propositions in relation to earlier postulates of this Polish languag...
Droga do Maus. Komiks a literackie paradygmaty w dyskusji wokół przedstawialności Holokaustu
The author considers theoretical entanglements of cartoon presentations of the Holocaust. In the beginning he reminds of exclusive researchers’ opinions claiming that the truth about this horrible event is either substan...