Sprawozdanie z Dnia Polonistów (Instytut Nauk o Literaturze Polskiej im. Ireneusza Opackiego, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice, 23 marca 2018 roku)
Journal Title: Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 2
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Depta
Krytyka feministyczna „rozkwita” w literaturze
The author of the article discusses Feministyczna krytyka literacka by K. Kłosińska. The reviewer reconstructs the most important difficulties and methodological solutions to be found in the book, points to selected, tho...
Metafora późnego Rzymu
According to the author of the review of a book by Jacek Hajduk entitled Parnicki, Malewska i długie trwanie (Kraków, 2014), the book successfully presented the transformations of the metaphor of “dawn and fall of Rome”...
Z Leśmiana
Z Leśmiana is a text devoid of any provocativeness; it is a short, traditional piece of prose. It has only one nameless female protagonist, because – as is the author’s intent – she reveals the feminine side of his soul....
Postmodernistyczne metamorfozy baśni w Polsce
The author provides reflections upon the influence of postmodern literary tendencies on a fable. Contemporary metamorphoses of a fable are characterised by an attempt at deconstructing the genre, connected with various s...
Tradycja (nie)śmiertelna. Kilka słów o poetyckich „obsesjach” Wojciecha Wencla
The article attempts to read Wojciech Wencel’s poem Imago mundi, focusing mainly on the process of opening up the Polish literary tradition by the poet (both the classic genre forms and stylization, direct references to...