Functional Reintegration of Brownfield Lands at Regional and Local Level. Case Study: Maramureş – Chioar Region
Journal Title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies - Year 2009, Vol 5, Issue 2
The efficient territorial management represents a necessity of topical interest, both at regional and at local level. In the conditions of an increasing pressure upon the localities’ built-up areas, unsustainable forms of their extension are frequently adopted to the prejudice of the land outside the built-up areas. The physical-geographical characteristics and the economic peculiarities of the Maramureş –Chioar region have generated the existence of some land categories that can represent an outlet in rapport with the space crisis. It refers to the brownfield lands, whose functional reintegration within the territory must represent a constant preoccupation for the local and regional authorities. The possible alternatives for reintegration have in view the re-valorization of the respective lands, both through their ecologization and through associating some necessary and desirable territorial functions. At local level, the adoption of a development direction based on compact spatial patterns and on the preferable and priority use of brownfield lands is necessary.
Authors and Affiliations
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