Fundamentally new model of preparation of future officer
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 129
In modern terms the problem of preparation and rational using of future officers acquires actuality with knowledge of essence and conformities to law of management, professional possibilities of officer that owns thorough professional knowledge, has developed intellectual flairs, perfect professional abilities, professional consciousness, creative thinking, by abilities to bring up and send the personnel of subdivision to effective implementation of official duties, mobilizing and integrating them individual reason, aspiration and interest. The modern stage of development of Ukrainian Armed Forces requires preparation of highly skilled special- ists capable effectively to execute a task on purpose and to support the proper level of alertness. The change of looks and introduction of the new going near preparation of soldiery specialists bring in substantial corrections in the program of educational disciplines, that it is represented in substantial practical constituent, created terms for retraining and improving training of soldiery specialists.
Authors and Affiliations
Ye. I. Bryzhaty
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