
У статті розкрито особливості діяльності менеджера-організатора фестивалю, конкретизовано основні та супутні функції, які виникають при організації фестивалю, також здійснено порівняльний аналіз успішних фестивалів та проаналізована особливість роботи менеджера-організатора, означено її роль для розвитку української культури загалом. The article discloses the concept of manager-organizer of the festival. The author proposes his own definition of “manager-organizer of the festival”, describes common and distinctive features of the concept of “manager”. The author also gives the definition, which reflects the nature and content of manager and defines its essence. There are differences between a manager and a manager-organizer of the festival, as it is stated in the article. The author determines a number of problems that arise while the organization and holding of the festival. It is noted that there is a problem of inadequate funding of festivals, which often causes the decline of festivals. The author determines the essence of the manager-fundraiser. There are recommendations for the festival to be successful. The author reveals the work of a manager-organizer as a key person. The attention is focused on the professional affiliation of the manager, his professional education and experience in the field of festivals. The responsibility of the manager and his team are described. An analysis of the main and related functions that occur while the organization of the festival is made. There is information about successful and iconic festivals in Ukrainian cultural space. The analysis of a manager-organizer of the festival is made; the advantages and disadvantages that arise during the organization of the festival are described. The basic content of the manager-organizer and its essence for the development of Ukrainian culture in general is given in the article. There are recommendations how to act in circumstances, not to lose courage in force majeure and stressful situations with the participants of the festival and leadership. There is the accent on manager’s participation in a workgroup and his ability to posses the function – delegation of authority. There is the fact that, despite countless festivals in Ukraine, only little number of them becomes successful. The author reveals a new kind of entertainment that replaces standard holidays and entertainment. Thanks to manager’s professionalism and his possession of all the features the event will be held for many years.

Authors and Affiliations

Zoriana Shymchyk


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How To Cite

Zoriana Shymchyk (2016). ФУНКЦІЇ МЕНЕДЖЕРА-ОРГАНІЗАТОРА ФЕСТИВАЛЮ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 6(11), 125-131. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433344