Fusarium Wilt of Garden Egg (Solanum melongena) At Imawa Village of Kura Local Government of Kano State, Nigeria
Journal Title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 8
This was a Survey of fusarium wilt of Solanum melongena at Imawa village of Kura Local Government area located on N11o 47’56.8” and 008o 27’33.7”. During the survey, Four (4) plots were visited weekly for 8 weeks. Symptoms of disease were carefully observed from 35 egg plants (Solanum melongena) selected at random. 10-20g of soil from the depth of 2-4cm near the roots of both healthy and infected egg plants was collected using spatula, Composite mixture of the soil sample was made for isolation and identification of the wilt pathogen. Isolation of the pathogen was done using serial dilution technique where 1g of the soil was mixed with 9ml of distilled water to obtain 10-1 up to 10-4 and then 1ml was poured directly in to prepared P.D.A and stored at room temperature for 5-7 days after which the dominant pathogen was identified. The dominant species identified are fusarium oxysporum (4 isolate with 50%) abundance followed by Rhizophus stolonifer (2 isolate with 25%) and Aspergillus niger (2 isolate with 25%). The incidence was calculated and plot B was found to have the highest incidence. The data obtained was subjected to chi square statistical analysis and the data showed significant difference in terms of infection between the plots.
Authors and Affiliations
Bello Hassan Jakada
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