Future Developments of Global Public Policy United States Based


The United States is said to be a superpower that is strong in science and technology. It is not an exaggeration if the United States is also called the world's police. Public policy those made by the United States are always fraught with its economic interests. Domination a region framed by equal state relations on the basis of human rights always became the entry point for the American nation in carrying out the politics of domination. Public policy made by the United States is certainly oriented towards its interests. The concept of nation is natural America Number One by its leader has certainly made its global policy always oriented towards his interests. In the current global arena and its developments, the United States always make policies that benefit him, in this case his economic interests.

Authors and Affiliations

Raden Nurul Ashri, M. Si. , Yunita S. S. , M. Sas,


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  • DOI 10.58806/ijsshmr.2025v4i02n13
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Raden Nurul Ashri, M. Si. , Yunita S. S. , M. Sas, (2025). Future Developments of Global Public Policy United States Based. International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research, 4(02), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-761753