Габсбурзька імперія на етапі лібералізації: поступ громадянського суспільства


In the article the author determines the formation of a functional correlation between the institutions of civil society and ethnic nationalism in Austria-Hungary. It is established that civil society in the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to form clearly after the democratic reforms of the sixties of the XIX century. It is proved that civil society has undergone stratification in various national and linguistic spaces in the form of educational, scientific, economic, and creative organizations. Civil society on the periphery of the empire has acquired a stable ethno-cultural character.The findings indicate that the acute crisis of identity in Austro-Hungary developed on the basis of two actively functioning sources: the old conflict environment of local historical and state identities and new formations that arose as a result of the cultural and political expansion of ethnic groups belonging to nations that were treated as young and stateless. The problems of economic, social, mental autonomy and cultural coexistence could not receive an authentic representation only in terms of administrative and political decentralization or integration, since in each national-ethnic event they had a spiritual and cultural content and socio-humanitarian content. In the early twentieth century. in Austria-Hungary there was a situation of unstable equilibrium of the composite society, which was characterized by the asynchrony of historical development.The ethnic factor played a dissonant role in the social life of Austria-Hungary. Most ethno-national groups were in different segments of the formation of political nations, in different socio-cultural contexts, which led to difficulties in the formation of classical institutions of civil societies and its formation as homogeneous. The period of modernization of the Austrian empire proved that liberalism and nationalism are historically linked precisely with the principle of people's sovereignty.

Authors and Affiliations

Zinaida Zaitseva


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How To Cite

Zinaida Zaitseva (2017). Габсбурзька імперія на етапі лібералізації: поступ громадянського суспільства. Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу, 35(), 222-228. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-304237