Gadamera doświadczenie i teoria wychowania: uczenie się, że inny może mieć rację
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2015, Vol 60, Issue 2
The article (original title: Gadamer’s Experience and Theory of Education: Learning that the Other May Be Right) was published in Education, Dialogue and Hermeneutics edited by Paul Fairfield (2011). In the text a hermeneutic concept of education is drawn from Hans-Georg Gadamer’s education and philosophical hermeneutics. Jean Grondin underlines the importance of the culture of question, dialogue with tradition and vibrant humanism in the thinking about education within philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer. Sensus communis and an openness that the other might be right seems to be a kind of a solid foundation of education which according to Gadamer is a self-education within lifelong lasting conversation with the other.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jean Grondin
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