G.Chelpanov: logical-gnosiological approach in consideration of “namber

Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2013, Vol 5, Issue 5


The article considers the problem of the origin of the basic philosophical concepts and categories for example the concept of "number" in terms of G. Chelpanov. Based on a comparative analysis of philosophical views on this problem à priori and empirical exercises attempted reconstruction of a priori theoretical justification scientists start the concept of "number". This conclusion makes it possible to speak of a partial accessories philosophical views scientist to neo-Kantianism.

Authors and Affiliations

Irina Berezinets


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How To Cite

Irina Berezinets (2013). G.Chelpanov: logical-gnosiological approach in consideration of “namber. ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ, 5(5), 11-17. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-295893