Specificity of Buddhist metempsychosis
Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2013, Vol 5, Issue 5
The Buddhist concept of metempsychosis, mainly the abhidharmian tradition, is analyzed in the article. The idea of metempsychosis is directly related to the idea of the true path in the early Buddhism. The one who has not seen the road remains in samsara, in ever-changing world. He is in the realm of metempsychosis. The form of reincarnation is due to the actual realization of the being in the world. The actual work of being is the reason for his new incarnation. As cleaner and free the thinking of the being is, so closer is it to fair and good. The true path can be seen only through the eyes of the good. Everything what limits the thinking – limited the fairness, and goodness also.
Authors and Affiliations
Alesiyan Patsev
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