Generation Y in the labour market in the light of a survey of students of the WSB University in Poznan

Journal Title: Debiuty Naukowe Studentów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej - Year 2016, Vol 16, Issue


The choice of a career is a difficult problem for millennials. Students have to define themselves and decide what they want to do in their professional lives. What are the key factors that young people take into consideration when making their choices? Which options of career development do students regard as the best ones? Are they ready to start a career? The article analyses opinions concerning the choice of a career path based on a survey of students of the WSB University in Poznan in the academic year 2015/2016. The analysis of survey responses will provide useful recommendations for universities and employers on how to improve the teaching process and the recruitment process.

Authors and Affiliations

Martyna Bednarek


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How To Cite

Martyna Bednarek (2016). Generation Y in the labour market in the light of a survey of students of the WSB University in Poznan. Debiuty Naukowe Studentów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej, 16(), 13-26.